"Something from nothing" is still totally absurd when one really contemplates it.
It's not absurd. It's merely counter-intuitive . . . just like every other part of quantum mechanics. I recommend you familiarize yourself with the Casimir Effect. Just because some aspect of our universe isn't readily comprehensible to the mind of a layman doesn't mean that it's therefore absurd. And it certainly doesn't give you license to put forth the arguement, "well this one aspect of reality seems absurd to me - so I can postulate whatever absurd thing I like."
There's a reason science uses reason and evidence. Because our intuitions are tuned only to the scale at which we live. Things going on at scales very small and very large are alien to the hueristic models we use in our everyday lives.
But is it more absurd than the idea that a self-making universe produced intelligent beings who can in turn create things? Either way you are looking at intelligence forming from nothing.
Fallacy of false equivication. Starting out with an all powerful creator is NOT the same as a finite intelligence that has slowly formed over billions of years of evolution. Human intelligence has come about by a naturalistic process. There is no such method for Gods to come into existence.